Hospital Medical Staff & Nursing Peer Review

Through her insight and expertise in the health care field, arising from her first career in nursing which included clinical nursing, nursing administration, and teaching in a baccalaureate nursing program, Julie Anderson, RN, BSN, MSN, JD has developed a niche as a lawyer in medical staff and nursing peer review law. For the last 14 years of her 20-year law career, she has assisted the medical and nursing staffs of numerous hospitals to comply with federal and state law in the performance of intra-facility peer review proceedings and disciplinary actions against incompetent or impaired practitioners. She has represented medical executive committees and nursing peer review committees in over 80 peer review proceedings, including due process or fair hearings, mediations, and nursing peer reviews. She has been involved with writing policies and procedures governing nursing peer review for a number of Houston area hospitals, as well as education and training for the implementation of these policies to the nursing staffs, and has consulted on projects to update and re-write medical staff bylaws. She has also represented nurses during disciplinary proceedings at the Texas Board of Nursing.